This blog's content was taken from episode 307, "Stock Lending Programs and July’s Most Traded Stocks"

You can go check out the whole episode here:

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Curiosity-  Because they understand that their knowledge may be partial, biased, or inaccurate, great investors are terrified of what they do know. They therefore never stray from their unrelenting, lifelong pursuit of knowledge.

Skepticism- Portfolios are not the primary output of the financial sector; rather, it is propaganda. Additionally, jargon-covered numbers-based propaganda can knock investors out cold like general anesthesia.

Independence- If you allow other people to make decisions for you, you've traded away your most valuable asset and exposed your outcomes and feelings to the whims of millions of total strangers. Those strangers can do the strangest things.

Humility- everyone makes mistakes, humility allows you to reflect and learn from decisions. 

Discipline- Sir John Templeton, a late global investor, moved from New York to the Bahamas, where he once claimed that The Wall Street Journal used to come days late. Templeton said that by reading the news a week later, he was able to put it into perspective and keep from overreacting.

Patience- Often patience is measured in decades rather than in months or years. Readers also provided insightful advice on how to broaden your temporal horizons and get past immediate disappointments.

Courage-  When you listen to what your intuition tells you—then do the opposite—as an investor, you can be quite sure that you're exhibiting courage.